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Assessment of the Prevailing Chicken Egg Storage Materials and Length at Rural Household in Different Agro Ecology of Eastern Ethiopia

Received: 26 April 2019     Accepted: 5 June 2019     Published: 26 June 2019
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Assessment of the prevailing chicken egg storage materials and length at the rural household in different Agro ecological zone of Eastern Ethiopia were conducted to assess the existing local egg storage facilities and length under the rural farmers. From two zone representing Eastern Ethiopia and the lowland, midland and highland altitude, proportionally 10 districts of 30 rural kebeles were selected using probability proportional to sample size. From each selected rural kebeles, ten farmers were purposely selected. A total of 300 chicken owner were interviewed by structured questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS software. The majority of the respondents (98%) in Eastern Ethiopia stored eggs for both marketing and incubation in lowland (86.4%), midland (69.3%) and highland (91.2%) using plastic (28.8%), basket (28.4% and (34.1%) followed by basket (25.4%), pot made of clay/ cow dung (23.9% and 23.8%) along with coffee hulls and dried grass as bedding materials respectively. Mostly, eggs produced at home was used for incubation in lowland (75.9%), midland (76.9%) and highland (73.9%); not experienced for home consumption except for household of better economic status and at the festivity in a year, and to some extent purchased eggs from known neighbor where their qualities were evaluated by shaking and sun candling in lowland (53.8%) and midland (46.7%) and sun candling in highland (51.4%). Hatching eggs were stored more than a week in mid (43.1%) and highland (44%) and about a week in lowlands (48.2%) until the required number of egg was produced for incubation by broody hen. Most of the respondents (78%) were select incubating eggs based on size in lowland (44.9%) and color and size in mid (45.7%) and highland (54.4) preferably large size and white eggs. The common hatching materials used in the area was pot in lowland (61.1%), mid (40%) and highland (53%). Due to suitable weather condition, better hatchability, less disease and parasite infestation and better feed resource availability, most of the respondent (70%) performed incubation during the dry season. Generally, rural poultry producer used different egg storage and hatching materials for different duration, they may influence the quality of eggs for uses that require further investigation to evaluate and recommend the best methods of storage material and duration across different agro ecology and provision of successful training for rural poultry producer; women, on modern egg storage and incubation for improvement of poultry production.

Published in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Volume 8, Issue 2)
DOI 10.11648/j.aff.20190802.15
Page(s) 54-63
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2019. Published by Science Publishing Group


Agro-Ecology, Egg Storage Material and Length, Eastern Ethiopia

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  • APA Style

    Sisay Lemma, Temesgen Terefe, Bezahegn Abebe. (2019). Assessment of the Prevailing Chicken Egg Storage Materials and Length at Rural Household in Different Agro Ecology of Eastern Ethiopia. Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 8(2), 54-63. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.aff.20190802.15

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    ACS Style

    Sisay Lemma; Temesgen Terefe; Bezahegn Abebe. Assessment of the Prevailing Chicken Egg Storage Materials and Length at Rural Household in Different Agro Ecology of Eastern Ethiopia. Agric. For. Fish. 2019, 8(2), 54-63. doi: 10.11648/j.aff.20190802.15

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    AMA Style

    Sisay Lemma, Temesgen Terefe, Bezahegn Abebe. Assessment of the Prevailing Chicken Egg Storage Materials and Length at Rural Household in Different Agro Ecology of Eastern Ethiopia. Agric For Fish. 2019;8(2):54-63. doi: 10.11648/j.aff.20190802.15

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      abstract = {Assessment of the prevailing chicken egg storage materials and length at the rural household in different Agro ecological zone of Eastern Ethiopia were conducted to assess the existing local egg storage facilities and length under the rural farmers. From two zone representing Eastern Ethiopia and the lowland, midland and highland altitude, proportionally 10 districts of 30 rural kebeles were selected using probability proportional to sample size. From each selected rural kebeles, ten farmers were purposely selected. A total of 300 chicken owner were interviewed by structured questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS software. The majority of the respondents (98%) in Eastern Ethiopia stored eggs for both marketing and incubation in lowland (86.4%), midland (69.3%) and highland (91.2%) using plastic (28.8%), basket (28.4% and (34.1%) followed by basket (25.4%), pot made of clay/ cow dung (23.9% and 23.8%) along with coffee hulls and dried grass as bedding materials respectively. Mostly, eggs produced at home was used for incubation in lowland (75.9%), midland (76.9%) and highland (73.9%); not experienced for home consumption except for household of better economic status and at the festivity in a year, and to some extent purchased eggs from known neighbor where their qualities were evaluated by shaking and sun candling in lowland (53.8%) and midland (46.7%) and sun candling in highland (51.4%). Hatching eggs were stored more than a week in mid (43.1%) and highland (44%) and about a week in lowlands (48.2%) until the required number of egg was produced for incubation by broody hen. Most of the respondents (78%) were select incubating eggs based on size in lowland (44.9%) and color and size in mid (45.7%) and highland (54.4) preferably large size and white eggs. The common hatching materials used in the area was pot in lowland (61.1%), mid (40%) and highland (53%). Due to suitable weather condition, better hatchability, less disease and parasite infestation and better feed resource availability, most of the respondent (70%) performed incubation during the dry season. Generally, rural poultry producer used different egg storage and hatching materials for different duration, they may influence the quality of eggs for uses that require further investigation to evaluate and recommend the best methods of storage material and duration across different agro ecology and provision of successful training for rural poultry producer; women, on modern egg storage and incubation for improvement of poultry production.},
     year = {2019}

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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Assessment of the Prevailing Chicken Egg Storage Materials and Length at Rural Household in Different Agro Ecology of Eastern Ethiopia
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    AU  - Temesgen Terefe
    AU  - Bezahegn Abebe
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    AB  - Assessment of the prevailing chicken egg storage materials and length at the rural household in different Agro ecological zone of Eastern Ethiopia were conducted to assess the existing local egg storage facilities and length under the rural farmers. From two zone representing Eastern Ethiopia and the lowland, midland and highland altitude, proportionally 10 districts of 30 rural kebeles were selected using probability proportional to sample size. From each selected rural kebeles, ten farmers were purposely selected. A total of 300 chicken owner were interviewed by structured questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS software. The majority of the respondents (98%) in Eastern Ethiopia stored eggs for both marketing and incubation in lowland (86.4%), midland (69.3%) and highland (91.2%) using plastic (28.8%), basket (28.4% and (34.1%) followed by basket (25.4%), pot made of clay/ cow dung (23.9% and 23.8%) along with coffee hulls and dried grass as bedding materials respectively. Mostly, eggs produced at home was used for incubation in lowland (75.9%), midland (76.9%) and highland (73.9%); not experienced for home consumption except for household of better economic status and at the festivity in a year, and to some extent purchased eggs from known neighbor where their qualities were evaluated by shaking and sun candling in lowland (53.8%) and midland (46.7%) and sun candling in highland (51.4%). Hatching eggs were stored more than a week in mid (43.1%) and highland (44%) and about a week in lowlands (48.2%) until the required number of egg was produced for incubation by broody hen. Most of the respondents (78%) were select incubating eggs based on size in lowland (44.9%) and color and size in mid (45.7%) and highland (54.4) preferably large size and white eggs. The common hatching materials used in the area was pot in lowland (61.1%), mid (40%) and highland (53%). Due to suitable weather condition, better hatchability, less disease and parasite infestation and better feed resource availability, most of the respondent (70%) performed incubation during the dry season. Generally, rural poultry producer used different egg storage and hatching materials for different duration, they may influence the quality of eggs for uses that require further investigation to evaluate and recommend the best methods of storage material and duration across different agro ecology and provision of successful training for rural poultry producer; women, on modern egg storage and incubation for improvement of poultry production.
    VL  - 8
    IS  - 2
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture, Oda Bultum University, Chiro, Ethiopia

  • Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture, Oda Bultum University, Chiro, Ethiopia

  • Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture, Oda Bultum University, Chiro, Ethiopia

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